Sports in a wheelchair

The exercise is useful to all, and people with severe disabilities is not an exception. If you are forced to spend long hours to conduct a wheelchair – certainly will be in favour of a series of exercises, causing your body to move so actively as much as possible. A regular exercise routine will give you the chance to develop the strength, flexibility, and mobility, strengthen your heart and lungs, help control weight.

The desire to lead physical activity can represent a considerable complexity, if you are limited in the ability to move. Many sports facilities are not suitable for people with disabilities because of his insecurity for them, but also book the corridors there are also. Try to search it on the Internet, which would be more convenient than. Another option – to study at home: there are programs designed specifically for people in wheelchairs and recorded on DVD.

If you have strong competitive spirit – looking for an appropriate section sports: basketball, tennis, rugby, racing for the disabled. Maybe for you, this type of movement, such as dance in a wheelchair. There are adaptations of yoga and tai-chi. Conducted at the university of Tennessee, the study has confirmed that simple, is held in a sitting position, the complex of tai chi significantly improves the mobility of the upper part of the body, increases stamina and promotes a state of emotional distress.

В какое время лучше тренироваться? Спорт утром — плюсы и минусы

It is never too late to start

Familiarity with the new, the target itself (even if all that you do, – rotate the fists or the ups and downs of a hand) will change your life for the better. Guaranteed. Pay attention to your body. It can help you avoid the long years of endless pain and chronic diseases. Even if you glued to the wheelchair, once the body gets accustomed to his daily portion of oxygen, energy and endorphins, not to return. And this is in all ways to feel better. The pain and weakness – condition to restrict you, both physically and morally. When people recover, they become open to the world, cease to be focused on ourselves and begin to take more care of the welfare of others.

That is the man to think about his illness or physical limitation, it can significantly affect its condition. Physical activity promotes the birth of hope and faith in the best health possible. In countless stories in the press and on the Internet there are examples of how people have defeated the disease and coping with wounds through targeted exercises. And almost each of them has pointed out that the physical improvement occur with them and some other changes, which have become the most complete, balanced, and happy.

The formation of HLS

The formation of the style of life, helping to strengthen the health of the man, takes place on three levels:

  • social: propaganda through the MEDIA, awareness-raising work;
  • infrastructure: the specific conditions in key areas of life (the availability of free time, material resources), the agencies environmental control;
  • staff: the system of values of the attitudes of a person, the standardization of domestic style.

At the social level. In Russia the problems of this level is in charge of the service of the formation of a healthy lifestyle (СФЗОЖ), that includes board, provincial, municipal, and neighborhood health centers, the doctor физкультурные dispensaries, care hospitals, offices for the promotion of a healthy life. Scientific and methodological realizes all-Russian research center of preventive medicine.

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